Golf player’s silhouettes: The players Championship, golfers, golf equipment, Play Golf Challenge. This image is made for personal and commercial use. It is made for graphic and web designers, photographers (to create photo books and photo albums) and visual artists, for those of you who are into character design, mobile applications, brochures, computer animation, wrappers, handbills, architecture, stamps, print design. It’s up to you whether you want to use this image as it is, adjust it, or use only few elements. You can use it to create any kind of b-day cards, posters and banners, prints and calendars, book and DVD covers, wallpapers, T-shirt design. Vector files can be edited in different computer art programs, for example: Corel Draw, Macromedia Freehand, PMView, Xara, Quark, and certainly Any Adobe Software Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop etc. can be used to open and edit vectors. Illustrator CS3 my certain choice

추가 정보

  • 파일 ID #4749670
  • 다운로드 68 다운로드
  • 파일 형식 증권 시세 표시기
  • 파일 확장자 .ai,.csh,.eps,.svg
  • 크기 770.3 KB
  • 라이센스 Freeimages.com Content License